Lab 11/15

Explore these with Sketchpad. Suggestions will be made in lab.

Line reflection products

Let M, N, P be reflections in lines through O.

  1. What isometry is MN? What isometry is NM? What is (MN)(NM)? What is (NM)(MN)? What is (MN)(MN)?
  2. In what cases is it true that MN = NM? (Important!)
  3. Construct a line reflection Q so that PQ = MN. Construct a line reflection R so that RP = MN.


Perpendicular lines

  1. Let K, L, M be line reflections with mirror lines k, l, m. Suppose that k is perpendicular to l and m. What isometry is KLM? How is it related to LKM and LMK? Use this to answer the question of what is HN, if H is a point reflection and N is a line reflection?

    Products of rotations.

  3. Construct a sketch illustrating how to construct the center of a product of rotations (which is a rotation).


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