My favorite open problems
I offer a collection of open problems, mostly about Brownian motion. I tried to solve every problem on the list but I failed to do so. Although I do not recall seeing these problems published anywhere, I do not insist on being their author-other probabilists might have proposed them independently.

The rigorous statement of the problems is available in PDF.

1. Probabilistic version of McMillan's Theorem in higher dimensions

This problem is concerned with the direction of approach of the boundary for Brownian paths in mutidimensional domains.

2. Topology of planar Brownian trace

Does the planar Brownian trace contain a (non-trivial) connected subset which does not interesect the boundary of any connected component of the complement of the trace?

3. Percolation dimension of planar Brownian trace

What is the "shortest" (in the sense of the Hausdorff dimension) path within two-dimensional Brownian range?

4. Efficient couplings in acute triangles

Can one construct a pair of reflected Brownian motions in an acute triangle whose coupling rate is the same as the second Neumann eigenfunction?

5. Convergence of synchronous couplings

Does there exist a bounded planar domain and a pair of reflected Brownian motions in this domain, driven by the same Brownian motion, and such that their distance does not converge to 0?

6. Non-extinction of a Fleming-Viot particle model

Can all Brownian particles in a branching system hit the boundary of a domain at the same finite time?

7. Are shy couplings necessarily rigid? (Proposed by K. Burdzy and W. Kendall)

Suppose that two (dependent) reflected Brownian motions in a connected open bounded Euclidean domain never approach each other closer than some positive distance. Does it follow that there exist two reflected Brownian motions in the same domain such that one of them is a deterministic function of the other one and they never approach each other closer than some positive distance?
Last modified: October 24, 2010, 03:37        Bookmark and Share