Brown Bag Teaching/Learning Seminar #10
David Smith from Duke

David Smith of Duke University, who is speaking Thursday in the Calculus Education seminar, has agreed to be our Brown Bag guest. When I offered him his choice of topic, he came up with the following splendidly provocative suggestion:

"The topic could be anything you want to discuss. One possibility that comes to mind -- relevant to any school with large, multi-section courses, is Academic Freedom vs. Quality Control. The way that plays out in my life is that my own department won't let me teach calculus any more, because I won't play by the dept's rules. I'm willing to bet that UW wouldn't let me teach calculus either."

This strikes me as having all manner of interesting ramifications! Come and join the discussion of it on


NOON (Note the early time again--the speaker needs to breathe between seminars!)

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