Math 308M - Fall 2013

Linear Algebra with Applications

Syllabus ---- Weekly Overviews ---- Calendar ---- Homeswork

Professor James Burke
C-443 Padelford
Office Hours:
MWF 11:40-12:30 and by appointment

Final Exam Guide

Brief Description of 308

Math 308 is an introductory linear algebra course and it is assumed that students have a higher level of mathematical maturity. Math 308 is not supposed to be a course in abstract vector spaces.
Math 308 should stress some difficult abstract ideas in concrete form (e.g., linear dependence, subspace) but there should also be substantial time spent on examples of applications of linear algebra. The applications which are found in Johnson and Riess are included in the syllabus below; some instructors may wish to pick applications from other sources, such as Applications of Linear Algebra by Rorres and Anton.

  1. Notes on block structures in matrices

  2. Notes on the Linear Least-Squares Problem

  3. Notes on the Determinant

  4. Syllabus

  5. Course Calendar

  6. Homework Assignments and Dues Dates

  7. Linear Systems from Your Past

  8. On the importance of definitions by Professor Paul Smith (UW, Math)

  9. Weekly Overviews